Live Earth just kicked off earlier today. I'm really hopeful for this effort.
I've been poking around some of the content lately and found these fantastic videos that each offer bite sized arguments for becoming climate savvy. My favorite has to be the 15-minute Reunion of Spinal Tap. Derek Smalls and the band getting back together for climate change? Now that is rich in comedic potential right there.
There is a lot of buzz about Live Earth and plenty of talented people involved raising awareness for it. Among them are the guys at North who are behind the messaging strategy and are driving interest in the thing without spending a dollar on media.
The Alliance For Climate Protection, the home base for Al Gore and Live Earth, has loads of content and things to explore on their site. Included there is their first official ad, called Black Balloons. I really like this spot because of how it brings 'bad air' to life in a personal way. While you're there join the pledge and help make a difference.
Before we all fry.
(If that does happen let's at least go out in style).