A few days ago I noticed a small sign posted in the window of the American Apparel next door to where I work and live in Belmar. It said the store was closing and to go visit their other location downtown. Next to it was a large sign announcing the impending arrival of its replacement, C.J. Banks. Take a look at their fashions and you can see why I was a little depressed. It's like the cool kid was kicked off the block and told to go do his 'urban thing' somewhere else.
The truth is I can't say I did my part to keep AA here. I never bought a single thing. The one shirt I did buy I took back because it fell apart. And I always found their look to be basic yet bland. But that's just me. The place stood for something in a sea of, well, C.J. Banks and the like (with Composition being the other exception).
Then I discovered this press release by AA announcing the close of their store in Second Life. I wonder if it's a signal of something bigger going on in SL. I wouldn't be surprised. With all the toe-dipping getting old, it seems most dabblers have run the course of curiosity and there's little else to engage with.
And what of American Apparel's first life stores? The AA corporate site is bullish; their last press release is about securing financing and expanding retail locations. Perhaps Belmar and Second Life are just not hip enough to support the almighty Dov.