As we near the APG next week AdAge just written the expected soul searching piece. (At least it doesn't include some part of the phrase "The Death of... as we know it.")
And AdWeek writes about the increasingly Crowded Space for Strategic Thinkers which raises the question of strategy ownership. A few things to knock around the noggin heading into San Diego on Monday.
I'm not really going to go into much on these articles except to say they do get the wheels turning, and as planners there's a sense that we have to consider things like:
- The role of media / context planning with account planning
- A planner's role to lead with simple and single minded thinking in an age where brands behave in increasingly dynamic and complex ways
- User generated content and control over marketing
- The tension between needing to learn first then act deliberately, versus act / learn / repeat
- How the planner armed with a brief or something like it can shape brand behavior rather than simply brand communication
- The increasing role of retail and shopping as an experience and the rise of retail brands over product brands
Am I missing anything?
Not sure how much I will be posting over the course of the conference but it looks like WARC teamed up with AAAA to host some sort of a planning blog here.
And if you happen to be really into writing about conferences as you attend them help is out there from the guy who studiously blogs the legendary TED Conference.