A couple weeks ago at Iconosphere I met a handful of interesting planners. One was Rye Clifton who works at The Martin Agency. Coincidentally, when checking out Junior Planner I Am, I stumbled on a link to an orphaned blog Rye used to maintain, and I gave him a hard time for not keeping it going.
I especially think he should after he passed on this mashup he made. It brings Dove and its corporate brother Axe together in ironic harmony.
My two cents are (as I mentioned in a comment the PureThinking post and which I will lazily paste here) is that I fear we're all at risk of a little naivete around the overall Real
Beauty campaign. At the end of the day it was a brilliant, brave
marketing strategy and idea. I think if you view it as marketing it
doesn't seem duplicitous at all that they would take different
approaches for different brands. It wasn't a Unilever campaign, but a
Dove campaign. The problem - not a bad problem to have - is that the
public has attached a Dove halo to Unilever rather than an Axe halo.
The Axe work resonated at a brand not a societal level so we could keep
it in a box called brand marketing. The double edge of Dove's success
is that it's made Unilever seem like a corporation that truly cares
more than it does.