A week ago we had a nice coffee morning and I never did a recap. Life's been getting in the way like that lately I'm afraid. Our next coffee will be Friday, 2/1. I'll be out of town on vacation so it will be host-less. But please come by and have a drink and a chat.
Last Friday's coffee was visited by Monique, Ryan, David, Sarah, Trevor, Michelle, Amy and maybe a few others I missed. A few newbies in there which is wonderful. Unfortunately I had to leave before really getting to know them.
Before I left there was hot air on all matter of stuff including American Gladiators, CW's partnership with SecondLife, the changing role of newspapers and tactile content, and how the writer's strike may be a precipitating factor for the rise of alternative content.
So that's the quick update. And of course the reminder: Coffee this Friday 2/1. If you make it send me an update and I'll post it afterwards. Thanks.
[The picture is a button handed out at Coffee Morning London.]