Thanks to David Kennedy for this recap of our last coffee:
We had great coffee this Friday morning (Feb 1) and were joined by many past attendees. Hillary, Ameet, Ralph, Anoud, Michelle and myself (David) were all in attendance, as well as Amy (I think a first timer), an account executive, also joined us. We also sat in the front room, as our “regular” table was taken (odd how we’ve always been able to get that back table in the past).
The conversation started as more of a job searching forum, with many people looking for a new job or at just a different one. Lead sources were discussed, such as Andrew Hudson, TalentZoo (mainly for Creatives), The Ladders (for high pay jobs), and InDeed. Anoud noted that with so many people moving to Denver, the competition for jobs is only getting tougher.
The conversation quickly turned to all sorts of random things as it normally does, including why MP3 players don’t have an AM tuner (is it not hip?); coming up with a product name for a new Sorbet product one attendee is working on (we think we might be onto something with our group think tank…maybe we should start offering services for a fee!); and customer service research which led to “The Ultimate Question”.
Conversation wrapped up, looping back to the beginning as it often does, with talking about our ideal jobs and companies. Follow your Bliss and Patagonia’s Yvon Chouinard were two examples of following what you believe in.
As usual, the conversation was all over, so I’m sure I missed something, but hopefully I did not leave anyone out. Oh, one more thing. New ideas were given for coffee mornings, including: “Beer Afternoons” and “Ski Saturdays (or any other day)” I see an expanding market here…