Newsweek did a piece recently on the little fake downtown in which I live. It's a development called Belmar; part of Lakewood, CO just outside Denver. A development riding the 'new urbanism' tide or, as it seems lately, taking a beating from it.
In the last few weeks I've been a little disheartened to see some retailers pull up stakes after only months in business. Johnny Rockets, Tacone, Frisco's Deli, and Emogene all have left.
I'm an urbanite by nature so it took some adjustment to move here in the first place. It's turned out to be a good investment, in terms of housing values. But it still takes some getting used to, and seeing these businesses leave doesn't help.
But there are a couple new bright spots here. One is Composition, a great independent shop with modern goods. Jen moved it out here from LoDo and is crossing her fingers.
And Andenken owner Hyland opened A++ Boutique de Force, a sweet mix of urban eclectica. Westword liked it so I hope it gets some traffic from his Andenken fans downtown.
Lastly, The Lab has opened a new space and is set for another great year bringing culture to anyone in suburban Denver who will listen. Bless 'em.